Chair watch – two sightings

1) Housed. Not sure if you can class these pair as ‘discarded’ or ‘abandoned’ but instead they look quite at home.


2) ‘I saw this and thought of you’ Message sent to me with below photo from Ali Emm. Much appreciated lovely, especially as a studio we went and rescued it and now it’s part of our living room.

Sent to me from Ali

When I got there it was dark:

Flashed sofa

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

First things first, why is it always the most obvious place where things are found when you deem them lost. My camera was not on a field trip to the football but instead having a snooze in my handbag. Apologies for the slander Al.

After a lot of thought and confusion about how I could make my work more environmentally conscious, I had a plan. I moved house last weekend and it felt as though it was taking over my life. I decided to take this experience as an example of an everyday happening where there is potential for waste, especially with protective packaging.

I timed parts of the day e.g. tea break, conversation with the removal men and building the bed etc. I had the aid of Katies casio watch and got timing. The results are in and i’m going to make a visual bar chart of these timed events.

I did a test in the studio for 4 minutes with some cardboard:

Cardboard tower - 4 minutesCardboard tower - 4 minutes - detail

I am going to cut the cardboard/bubble wrap and other materials into squares using the length of the scissors blade. This will ensure the time is as even as possible and also the squares are the same sizes.

I cannot get enough of chair imagery

Really enjoy these chairs and these pieces of furniture from a flea market that Eric Trine’s has written about in his blog. It is really interesting and so organised. There are also lots of great images too!

I hope to become better and write more often. At the studio we have spoken about trying to write at the same time every week to get into a routine. Maybe I need to start planning in time to write but there’s something to be said for writing it when you’re really excited about something.

I’m really excited now but am frustrated because I have misplaced my camera. (I have a sneaky suspicion Al has taken it to photograph football) My photographs always remind me of the feeling I felt when making work or seeing an object.

I hope to write again when he returns. I shall continue to watch the film ‘To Sir with Love‘ .

Having nothing particular to do – a very strange feeling indeed

A piece of writing whilst at University. Thursday 7th September 2006- 2.35pm

No matter how hard you try to stretch out the everyday mundane routine based tasks you set yourself, you still seem to be left with this vacant time. Filling it is a challenge and one that the easily bored should steer clear of. I seem to be super efficient when I don’t need to be and a procrastinator of the highest order when time is limited.

I wish time was in a token type system where you could save the time you struggle to waste on days where you just don’t have anything to do, it’d be grand.

‘Yes, I can go out tonight even though the essay is incomplete and under researched and in for tomorrow because the other month I was good with my time saving and clocked up a good 12 hours of time, so I’ll see you at 8’ If only!

I wonder where you’d register these time tokens…would there be a clock in machine type system in every house hold or would it add to the laborious tasks like the bank trips in which you dread if the calculations you did on the back of the receipt of that ultra unnecessary jumper you bought add up. Simply ‘Do I have enough time saved?’ ‘Can I afford the time to do that?’ but literally.

Imagine the bank (time bank) queues leading up to the summer holidays. It would be a nightmare. This time manipulated world I’m dreaming up (because I simply have nothing better to do) is a world whereby students are rich…in time.

Wasting time should never been seen as easy and should always be taken with caution. Either, you will regret this when you’re running out of time in the future and the blame stage will set in OR worse still, you will discover that you’re a bit dull and can’t entertain yourself without a screen in front of your yawning bored existence.

I always feel outrageously guilty for feeling bored. I think ‘What right do I have to feel bored when there’s so much to be done’ but it’s hard. Really hard to motivate your brain when the ‘To do’  list is empty.

Try making up a ‘To do’ list of things you’d like to do. Everything’s either too expensive, would be better with company or you’re too exhausted with no energy that you loose all sense of an imagination. This is where jobs are good. I like jobs as a concept. You go somewhere where the ‘To do’ lists are written for you or at least you have a role to play and you waste time there.

The bonus is you get paid for it. Time is money. A yawn whilst at work is so much more satisfying than a yawn when you’ve dragged yourself out of bed as something to do and you’re watching TV whilst Trisha or Jeremy Kyle introduce you to people who are worse off or more dull than yourself.

Actively wasting time is tough. There should be guidebooks for this kind of human degeneration. Act on it without advice and you become sad or worse still, you feel nothing. Excuse me whilst I switch off.

Show and tell

A street in London

Saw this shop whilst walking down the road thinking about the highlighting idea and realised that this is a form of highlighting. It caught my attention although I didn’t spend any ££££’s on Golf related goods.

Highlighting in the street

Natural History Museum

There were rows and rows of precious stones and gems. This photo is of one part of a collection that had been donated to the museum. Found them so mesmerising partly from a magpie’s perspective but also because I love things in collections.

Beautiful collection of precious stones

This made me laugh to myself. Thought it was a great invention to use 4 metronomes and pivoting paw cups to exercise a dog.

Great invention of an exercise machine for a dog

The Science museum

Pocket globes – what a great idea. The text about it said ‘The terrestrial or Earth globe was usually contained in a fishskin case which had a map of the heavens on the inside.’

Pocket globe

I thought the use of bic biros (my favourite pen!) to make a chandelier was superb. When people use objects for an alternative use, I find it really interesting as you can’t help having preconceptions about how they should be used. This usually leads me onto thoughts about the full potential of the object. Think I’m going to attempt a smaller version one day, more of a lampshade and maybe in red.

Chandellier out of bic biros

A present waiting for me


When I got home from the studio, this pile of sofa was waiting for me and I felt like I’d been given a present. Made me very happy! It’s unusual to be so over the moon that your neighbour is getting rid of their sofa.

Being at the studio today was amazing and perspective changing. Feel more excited than ever by the future.


After highlighting words in a book, I decided to shred paper and highlight the strands instead. I feel it works better as it appears a waste of time to highlight information that is unreadable and also you can standardise/regulate your pace, so still measuring periods of time. It’s more difficult to do this when colouring in a blank piece of paper as you can speed up, slow down, make different types of movement, that are more or less effective.

Shredded paperShredded paper highlighted

Furniture in London

Went to London this weekend which was frightening in parts but the fear was balanced out by the amount of great people and things to see.

Unidentical Twins – Saw two chairs lazing on Sunday afternoon. They are very similar but there are subtle differences.

unidentical twins

Bystander – This sofa was sitting near Southbank watching the world go by. I get so excited when I sight new abandoned furniture.
